Integrative Homeopathy - Holistic Health
Sonia E. Jaramillo, D.H.H.P
Health Challenges helped by Dynamic Medicine
Federal recognition of Homeopathic Medicine
Officially recognized under the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the 1965 Medicare Act, and the 1987 FDA Compliance Policy Guidelines, these safe, gentle but deep-acting medicines can be used to treat individuals with many kinds of health conditions.
First, what do we mean by Dynamic Medicine?
Dynamic Medicine is being used here to convey a sense of something different from static or passive. We believe that health is a continuous interplay between polarities (body-mind, higher-lower, quantity-quality, male-female, positive-negative, action-reaction, excess-deficiency, etc), where the aim is to achieve an ongoing rhythm of dynamic equilibrium between these many forces very much like the rhythm of the breath, the ebb and flow of the ocean tides, the movement and rest of or daily experiences.
Throughout treatment, all aspects of the individual; physical, mental and emotional are addressed in an effort to promote true and lasting health. Because health and disease are multi-faceted, a comprehensive approach is used that may involve various healing modalities such as nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, organ support, drainage, detoxification, therapeutic coaching, and various homeopathic remedies to assist the body in eliminating disease and restoring health.
Dynamic Medicine can help with:
Lifestyle Challenges:
Diet & Nutrition
Activity, Exercise, Movement
Stress, Negative Emotions
Weight management
Detoxification, Drainage
Emotional Challenges:
Grief, Loss, Sadness, Depression
Anger, Resentment, Victimization
Fear, Anxiety
Shame, Blame, Guilt
Chronic Mental Weakness
Mental Challenges:
Focus, Concentration
Motivation, Ambition, Confidence
Physical Challenges:
Asthma, Bronchitis
Digestion Disorders
Hormonal Imbalances
Pain, Injuries, Fribromyalgia
Parkinson's, Neurological
Menstrual concerns
Multiple Sclerosis
Skin Ailments
Lyme’s Disease
Specific Challenges:
Eating Disorders
Concussions/Head Injuries
Self Worth, Self Esteem
Migraines, Headaches
Neurological issues
Chronic Illnesses
Developmental delays
Learning Disabilities
Acute Ailments:
Gastro-intestinal upset
Skin Afflictions
Childhood Diseases: Chicken Pox...
.....and more
Common occurrences that can be helped with Homeopathy:
Here are some examples of common occurrences helped by Dynamic Medicine for immediate relief and long term healing.
Dental work: specific remedies speed up recovery from dental work and to reduce the toxicity commonly associated with the materials used (especially mercury) and the anesthetics or pain-relief drugs.
Surgical procedures: specific remedies speed up recovery from surgery, reduce toxicity from anesthesia, pain killing drugs, antibiotics, etc.
First Aid and Acutes: specific remedies in the appropriate potencies are used to treat first aid and acute situations, such as colds, flu’s, immune system weaknesses, low energy, anxiety before exams, sunstroke, cuts, bumps, bruises, etc.
Invasive diagnostic exams are treated with specific remedies to remove toxicity from test materials, radiation exposure, etc.