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Yoga Practice
What people are saying....

That was really a great practice today; just love your use of the strap, or the chair as an additional tool to further enhance our poses; and all this time I thought the chair was merely for sitting! With lots of gratitude,  Toni

Thank you Sonia for your special attention.    It was very appreciated and helpful. My friend has always been one of my very special people and he got a lot out of tonight's class. I truly want to thank you for being so watchful and protecting him.  You're the best yoga teacher ever! Love you, Kathy

Thank you for your beautiful yoga practice, it has been the highlight of my week!  See you in January❤️ Simona

Wanted to thank you again for a great class on Monday; I just love how you give me the courage to push myself further than I would normally go, in a safe environment.  Love your sense of humor too - there really is a place for it in yoga, for sure. With love, Toni

I am so amazed at the benefits of yoga. I had to drag myself out of the house to attend your class, but as soon as we started breathing, and moving my spirits lifted incredibly!  Just want to say thank you so much for sharing your wonderful abilities with us. Love you, Kathy

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  Sonia E. Jaramillo, Holistic Healthcare, Heilkunst Homeopathy, Sequential Timeline Therapy,  Nutritional Assesment, Therapeutic Nutrition, CoRe Bioresonance - Tel. 530 300 7997, Email:  -  Northern California - International services - Skype-Zoom. Copyright © 2016. - All Rights Reserved.

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