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Homeopathic Treatment

What people are saying...

I got food poisoning and only missed one day of work!  Sonia listened to my exact symptoms and somehow found exactly the right remedy. I was so relieved to feel better so fast, I was expecting to be sick for days. Thanks Sonia!! 



As for my healing it is improving. I was only able to get the new homeopathic yesterday. Still with the ears and now obvious nasal congestion at times with some discharge. Feeing better almost no sore throat. Still a bit dizzy. Constitutionally I am having less hot flashes!  And I feel I'm getting stronger and started to make decisions again a little differently! 



I am doing much better, now with only a little nasal running, still the main thing is the ears clogged off and on and ringing, sometimes a lot but today better. No more dire throat or headaches. I wonder if it's time to meet soon for the next level?



Sonia has started working with our little one since she was a few months old, and their therapeutic relationship is still flourishing after all most three years. We went through some quite interesting timeline sessions, that helped our daughter find her pace into this world. Over the last couple of years, Sonia has being helping her to overcome physical and emotional issues in a very professional and at the same time personal way that I appreciate a lot. I feel fortunate working with Sonia, and having her taking care of our daughter's well being. 

Ioanna L


I feel better. wow. no craving for sugar. no exhaustion. more relaxed. no anxiety. Amazing. 

Aya C


I continue to feel better... much less tired and more calm... it is so wonderful... and I now go to the bathroom twice a day... with exceptions on some days... and its not painful any more.. what a relief.



I already had a shift with the emotional remedy.  The first time I took it I felt a deep peace lasting for a few minutes I hadn't felt, and remembered from many many years ago... Then it went away.

Today I have a strong intestinal elimination... But I forgot this morning and took the composition one again.  I'm good, have a very good feeling about this. 




A couple of months ago I went to see Sonia for some help with a number of different issues. She gave me three different remedies. One of them was for general support. I've had a cough for three years. Tried many different things, none of them worked. Much to my surprise and happiness, the cough has almost completely gone away. Thank you.



During the one year I was in a homeopathy regime with Sonia I was pleasantly surprised to go from skeptic to believer as I saw my health become stable again. Many thanks to her for her caring.




I have had so many good experiences since I began to take the homeopathic medicines, like interesting dreams and different sensations.  It has been very good.  And, the best, I stopped the hormones about three or four days ago, and do not have any more bleeding. I am really happy. Thank you so much. 



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